Scheduled events are as follows:
Stealing From the Movies, Thursday 2 pm, Crowne Plaza Victoria Station C/D. Campaign ideas & awesome RPG action are as close as the multiplex. Pelgrane Press designers help you adapt, adopt, & improve the plots & characters of Hollywood, Hong Kong, & Hammer Films.
Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff, Friday 1 pm, Westin: Council. Join Kenneth Hite and me for a live edition of our ENnie-nominated podcast. Sold out, but check for no-shows.
Dramatic Interaction Master Class, Friday 3 pm, Crowne Plaza Conrail: Robin D. Laws & guests teach structures & techniques to turn emotional confrontations between PCs from frustrating roadblocks into rich moments of human drama. Also starring Emily Care Boss and Rachel A. Kahn.
Swords, Spies and Shoggoths: The Pelgrane Press Panel, Saturday 2pm, Crowne Plaza Grand Central Ballroom B. Join Simon Rogers, Cat Tobin & others from the Pelgrane team for a behind-the-scenes look at what the award-winning UK publisher's been up to this year, & what they've planned for the coming year.
Investigative Roleplaying Masterclass, Saturday 4 pm. Westin Capitol II. Mystery scenario masters Kenneth Hite, Robin D. Laws, Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan, Ruth Tillman and Chris Spivey train their magnifying glasses on clue-gathering adventures to reveal the unlikely suspects behind your tabletop woes.
UPDATE: Location for Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff has been corrected.