Update: Original post transposed the times for the Pelgrane Press and Dramatic Interaction panels. The times and dates given below are now correct.
Looking for me at Gen Con? When not in a panel, headed to a panel, or coming back from a panel, I will endeavor during exhibit hall hours to make myself available at the Pelgrane Press booth. That’s booth 609 for those playing along at home. Ask me to sign
Feng Shui 2,
Dreamhounds of Paris, the new Firefly campaign
Ghosts in the Black, or any item from my back catalogue, and I will be only too happy to comply. (Grab
Feng Shui 2 at the Atlas Games booth or
Ghosts in the Black from Margaret Weis Productions.) Or just swing by to say hi. That’s why I go to conventions—to chat with folks interested in my work. To catch me discoursing at an event, make note of any relevant items on the following list in the note-taking platform nearest and dearest to your heart. Along with seminars related to my various gaming projects, I am taking part in several Writers’ Symposium events, focusing on the art and craft of fiction.
Thurs July 30, 1 pm – 2 pm:
Common People, Epic Conflicts (Writers’ Symposium) Explore ways to tell stories where common people are caught up in events of epic proportions. Learn to make these characters relevant, even if they're not saving the world. (ICC 243)
Thurs July 30, 2 pm – 3 pm: High Fantasy Without the Clichés (Writers’ Symposium) There's nothing wrong with high fantasy clichés, but we'll teach you ways to explore high fantasy storytelling in new ways without coming across like you're looking down on the genre. (ICC 243)
Thurs July 30, 4 pm – 5 pm: Feng Shui 2 (Atlas Games) Get the lowdown on Feng Shui 2 from designer Robin D. Laws, developer Cam Banks, & producer Hal Mangold. Bring your questions & your Most Magnificent 20-Second FS2 Anecdote Contest entries. (Crowne Plaza : Grand Central Bllrm D)
Fri July 31, 11 am – 12 pm: Dialogue and Dialogue Tags (Writers’ Symposium) Learn from our distinguished panelists how to write compelling dialogue that draws readers in & keeps their attention. Added bonus feature: listen to them argue the pros & cons of dialogue tags! (ICC : 244)
Fri July 31, 1 pm – 2 pm: Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff Live (Pelgrane Press) Join Kenneth Hite and I for the second annual live episode of our thrilling, erudition-packed podcast. See if I drop the F-bomb again. This is officially sold out, but we’ll see if that means anything. Weird to think we might have to collect tickets or something. (Crowne Plaza Pennsylvania Station B)
Fri July 31, 4 pm – 5 pm: Pelgrane Press Panel (Pelgrane Press) Join Simon Rogers, Cat Tobin and others from the Pelgrane team for a behind-the-scenes look at what the award-winning UK publisher's been up to this year, and what they've planned for the coming year. (Crowne Plaza : Pennsylvania Stn B)
Sat Aug 1, 1 pm – 2 pm: Dramatic Interaction MasterClass (Pelgrane Press) Learn the structures and techniques that turn emotional confrontations between PCs from frustrating roadblocks into rich, surprising moments of human drama. Join me, Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan and Rachel Kahn as we dispense precious interpersonal wisdom. Whether you're experienced in Pelgrane Press' Hillfolk / DramaSystem or looking to infuse play in other systems with satisfying conflict, they're here to grant your most fervent petitions. (Crowne Plaza : Pennsylvania Stn B)
Sat Aug 1, 4 pm – 5 pm: Investigative Roleplaying MasterClass (Pelgrane Press) Mystery scenario masters Kenneth Hite, Robin D. Laws, and Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan train their magnifying glasses on clue-gathering adventures. Whether you're schooled in Pelgrane Press' GUMSHOE line or want to steal its secrets for play in another system, this seminar will shine light in the darkness and reveal the unlikely suspects behind your tabletop woes. (Crowne Plaza : Pennsylvania Stn B)
Sun Aug 2, 11 am – 12 pm: Build Them Up After Tearing them Down (Writers’ Symposium) Destroying characters and smashing their puny lives is easy (and kind of fun), but in this panel we'll teach you how to pick up the pieces and build the character back up afterwards. (ICC : 242)