November 29, 2013

Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff: You Suck as a Depicter of Matriarchies

In the latest episode of our crab-clawed podcast, Ken and I talk character build modes, abandoned ideas, fun-killing knowledge and the Pascagoula UFO abduction.

November 22, 2013

Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff: The Random Piggly-Wiggly Table -

In the latest episode of our sage (not to mention cranberry) podcast, Ken and I talk luck as branch point, wonder and horror, PVP RPG and moving Thanksgiving.

November 15, 2013

Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff: Cherubs Who Have Aged Out

In the latest episode of our well-provisioned podcast, Ken and I talk RPG gear, Angela Merkel's cellphone, story structure bookshelf and the Voynich Manuscript.

November 14, 2013

The Birds: Boycott


Click here for the complete strip archive.

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FordWatch: RoFo Goes Shakespeare

Tonight we went to see the Royal  Shakespeare Company theater-in-cinemas production of Richard II starring David Tennant. Beforehand there was a featurette-style intro including an interview with director Gregory Doran. When he described the title character as desperately clinging to power despite all sense, mordant laughter rolled through the Toronto audience. Followed by another knowing guffaw as Richard was described as a petulant, self-pitying figure. However, in the play itself, we did not see the implicitly promised soliloquy in which the embattled leader apologized for lying about his crack intake but promised to move on regardless.

November 05, 2013

FordWatch: Doug Ford Lashes Out at Police Chief

In a move so brazen I’m having a harder than usual time maintaining my satirical detachment, Toronto councilor Doug Ford, brother and enabler-in-chief to drain-circling Mayor Rob Ford, has now called on Police Chief Bill Blair to resign. His offenses? Having described the Ford crack video to the press, and having quasi-rescinded Ford’s invite to the annual police gala. Ford smears Blair as unaccountable because he went on a fishing trip with a Ford-approved police board appointee.

In a statement that in no way encourages us to recall his well-documented former occupation as a mid-tier Etobicoke hash dealer, Doug Ford said, to a media scrum, “Am I supposed to be intimidated by the police chief? The police chief doesn’t intimidate me.”

In the team of Tweedleford and Tweedleforder, Doug is supposed to be the voice of reason. To fully comprehend the throes of this meltdown, hear the above and below quotes in Pacino’s Scarface voice.

FordBird 131105