October 25, 2013

World War Cthulhu

The title says it all: Cubicle 7’s newly released fiction anthology World War Cthulhu combines tentacled cosmic horror with the 20th century’s darkest era. Edited by Jonathan Oliver, it includes such darkling luminaries as Greg Stolze, Sarah Newton, and World Fantasy Award winner Lavie Tidhar.

My story, “The Egyptian”, reveals the wartime career of infantry sergeant Tyler Freeborn, formerly of Miskatonic University, and his uneasy bond with the title character, an on-again, off-again soldier who fights with terrible ferocity. If  your only concern is to get your unit through the war, and Nyarlathotep reports for duty, do you turn him down?

Grab it as an ebook download from the Cubicle 7 web store.

Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff: Watch Out, Boys, He Has the Power of Transcendentalism

In the latest episode of our golden, leafy podcast, Ken and I talk Lovecraft's Vermont, new nerd TV, RPG music and Emerson's Transcendentalism.

October 18, 2013

October 04, 2013